
Joined on Fri Mar 22 2024


  • Joined MWR on Fri Mar 22 18:50:00 2024

♣MA78♣ has played in 1 leagues:

CustomLander TF2 | Season 4 North America
  • Joined MWR in Division 3 on Fri Mar 22 22:36:02 2024
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Thread: Offclass limits

Is there a limit on offclassing?

Thread: Week 2 match scheduled wrong, Week 3 match played after Week 2 match, Week 4 match not showing up.

I don't use discord H2OGamez. Also thank you for answering my question

Thread: Week 2 match scheduled wrong, Week 3 match played after Week 2 match, Week 4 match not showing up.

Pls help.

is too short (minimum is 10 characters)

Thread: Week 3 matches show up during week 2

my week 3 match showed up earlier this week and now their team captain thinks today is week 3

Thread: Normal matches

are the normal matches just scrims?

Thread: Why?!


Thread: Match deleted

My team (MWR) got a match against Skibidi, however when I checked the notification there wasn't a page for the match

Thread: On the topic of ringers

If I need to have a ringer instead of one of my full time teammates, will they have to be signed up on the website?

another question I have is does the ringer have to be in the same division as me?

Thread: I have majorly fucked up

nevermind, figured the thing out

Thread: I have majorly fucked up

I'm not gonna tell the whole story but one of the members of my tf2 team is not responding to me, has blocked me on steam, and I think has left the team without telling me, and I need to know if I am able to make a last minute replacement.

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